Saturday, December 25, 2010

Light of Love

I can do wonders and I can touch the sky
If you are with me, wihtout wings I can fly.
You are a source of light in the ubiquitous dark
In a horryifying silence you sing like a lark.

No wonder if i cant live without you
I know the same is true for you too.
No matter what happens you are in my mind
There is no other reason for living i can find.

Lost in the night lost in the day
Just waiting for you to show me the way.
The world is not enough if you are not a part
There is always a place for you in my heart.

Soon will be dark and faces will disappear
But to me one face will always be near.
I will hold that face to light up the sky
After seeing the glow even the moon will shy.

I feel so cold in this freezing night
And I am so feeble to keep this fight.
You come to me and give me the strength
I will crush the dark and spread the light.

I walk in the dark with a lots of fear
It all just disappears when you are near.
Thousands of voices comes to me
But your's the one that I want to hear.

I am running in the woods looking for your mark
With the light of your love, struggling the dark.
Believing in you i am crushing the pain
Soon you will shower on me just like a rain.

Its not less than heaven to stay in your arms
The moments with you are reasons of charms.

You are the cloud and I am the rain
And they are together again and again.
Still we are apart thats an irony
But we know better that we are our destiny.

I will walk long to hold your hand
If needed i will build a house made of sand.
I will not let the tides ruin it ever
The beauty of it you will forget never.